Monthly Archives: June 2019

What Will The Cops Make me do During a Roadside Sobriety Test? (Pt 3)

Hey there, welcome back and thanks for coming back to check out our list of things Michigan cops might ask you do during roadside sobriety tests. As we pointed out in the previous two articles, there are lots of different

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What Will The Cops Make me do During a Roadside Sobriety Test? (Pt 2)

Hey there, welcome back and thanks for joining us. We’ve been talking about roadside sobriety tests here at The Kronek Firm, and what the cops will expect you to do if they pull you over for suspected drunk driving. In

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Posted in operating while intoxicated

What Will The Cops Make me do During a Roadside Sobriety Test? (Pt 1)

If you’re ever pulled over by a cop in Michigan who thinks you’ve been drinking, you’re probably going to be asked to take a roadside sobriety test. The officer may ask you a few questions, like “Have you had anything

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Posted in For Your Information
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