This is a question we get asked a lot. People call The Kronzek Firm, scared because they’ve been arrested for a DUI, and they’re worried about their futures. Are they going to have to go to jail? How much is this going to cost them in fines? How many points will they get on their license (will they even get to keep their license?) And how long is this DUI going to stay on their record if they get convicted. So we’re sorry to be the bearers of bad news, but the answer to that is: for the rest of your life.
Wait, what? For my whole life? That’s crazy!
Here’s the deal. Being charged with drunk driving is pretty much the same thing as being charged with cyber crime, drug possession, or assault. It’s a crime – sometimes a misdemeanor, sometimes a felony, depending on the circumstances – and a criminal charge is a criminal charge. Once you’re convicted of a crime in Michigan, it’s on your record for the rest of your life. While there are some criminal convictions that can be expunged from a criminal record, drunk driving is not one of these crimes. Once it’s on your Michigan record, it’s there forever.
So how do I avoid having a criminal charge on my record?
In case you were wondering, there are only three ways to avoid having a criminal charge on your permanent record:
- Don’t get arrested in the first place, which means you’ll never have to worry about a conviction (sounds obvious but it’s true)
- If you do happen to get arrested and charged with a crime, make certain that you have the best possible DUI defense lawyer money can buy, so you can fight the charges and work toward having the case dismissed, or get a not guilty verdict.
- Apply to have your criminal record expunged. (Unfortunately however, this option isn’t available to people convicted of drunk driving in Michigan)
As you can see, if you get convicted of operating while intoxicated, or any other type of drinking and driving charge, you’re stuck with that on your record for life. So what can you do about it? You can fight it. And the sooner you start, the better!
Don’t wait! The sooner you get rolling, the better your chances.
Fighting drunk driving charges starts with hiring a very, very good attorney. You want one with years of DUI experience and a track record of success. You want an attorney with access to the best expert witnesses available, and a vast knowledge of the law. And you want an attorney who understands that fighting DUI charges means being creative, aggressive, and tenacious. In other words, you want an attorney from The Kronzek Firm.
We’re available night and day to help you.
Here at The Kronzek Firm we’ve been helping the people of Michigan fight drunk driving charges for decades. We know that while the odds aren’t usually in your favor, there are many options available to you, and we’ll explore every single one to ensure that you get the best possible outcome in your case. So if you or a loved one are facing a lifetime with a DUI on your record, call us immediately at 866 766 5245 (866 7No Jail) and let us help you protect your future.