For most people, when we think of the holidays, we think of giving gifts to loved ones, decorating the Christmas tree, and spending time with family. What we rarely think about is a ride in a cop car, a lonely stint in the local jail, and criminal charges. And yet for many people, that’s exactly what happens! Because believe it or not, drunk driving and drugged driving arrests rise sharply around the holidays.
The holidays can be a dangerous time on the roads!
Ask any Michigan cop and they’ll tell you – there are considerably more DUI arrests, and also more alcohol-related car crashes, during the holly jolly season. (And a whole lot more drugged driving incidents!) Which brings us to that enduring question – what is it about the Christmas season that makes getting behind the wheel after a few too many brandy eggnogs sound like a good idea? (Is it perhaps the brandy eggnog?) Probably. But there are other factors as well… like the family you were visiting when you drank all that eggnog. Or the weed you smoked in order to cope with that family get-together! Whatever the reason, spending the holiday with family members is way better than spending it with other jail inmates.
More booze on hand plays a role:
When people get together and spent time celebrating, weed or alcohol often plays a role in the good times. In fact, the entire period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day sees a dramatic rise in DUI offenses. Data on holiday drinking trends show that 16 percent of adults say they drink more than usual during the holidays. Why? Because a full 50 percent say that alcohol plays a role in their holiday traditions. So if it’s available, then you should consume it, right? And now that Michigan has legalized recreational marijuana, police say they expect to see significantly more drivers under the influence of pot out on the roads this Christmas season.
Family tensions play a role:
Over the holidays, people spend more time with large groups of family members than at any other time of the year. Whether it’s a whole day with your less-than-exciting in-laws, hopping between multiple parties thrown by family you’d rather not hang out with, or traveling to visit loved ones who aren’t all that loving, the holidays can be stressful. Many people try to pass the time at these get-togethers (or simply take the edge off) by drinking or getting high. And the more stress, the more they consume, which can lead to problems on the way home when it’s all over. That’s when you get the detour to the county jail.
Increased traffic plays a role:
During the holidays there are a lot more people on the road, traveling both in and out of Michigan to be with family and loved ones. That means a lot more cars on the road. According to the U.S. National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), 40 percent of all traffic-related deaths during Christmas and New Year’s involve drunk drivers. So if we can ask for one thing this Christmas, it would be that fewer people get behind the wheel drunk or high. Call a cab, get an Uber, crash with a friend, walk or ask someone else to drive. Either way, just don’t do it! You DO NOT want to spend Christmas behind bars, trust us on this!
Make smart choices this holiday, and don’t drink and drive!
If, however, you have one too many and misjudge your capabilities, or “feel fine to drive” after that joint, don’t try to handle this on your own. Drunk and drugged driving charges in Michigan are serious, and you’re going to need help from a skilled and experienced DUI defense attorney. Here at The Kronzek Firm, we‘re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, including holidays. So call us at 866 766 5245 if you screwed up and misjudged your capabilities this holiday season. We’re here for you at 866 7NoJail.