
Monthly Archives: April 2016

When Your Michigan DUI Case Isn’t a Case at all…

  There are a number of little known facts about Michigan DUI arrests that can seriously influence the outcome of your case. Details that may seem insignificant at the time, or negligent to the untrained eye, but are critical when

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Don’t Want a DUI?

Some Commonsense “Avoid the DUI” Tips….   It may seem simple to those who have never encountered the law in this capacity before, but drinking and driving can happen to just about anyone. So we have compiled a list of

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Roadside Drug Testing Coming to Michigan?

Lawmakers Considering Roadside Drug Test Pilot Program   Over two years ago, a bill was introduced into the state legislature which would allow the Michigan State Police to set up a pilot program for roadside drug testing in Michigan. But

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Drugged Driving Suit: Ford’s New Teaching Tool

  Ford Motor Company has added another interesting teaching tool to the 2016 curriculum of their Driving Skills For Life global tour. In addition to a focus on subjects like drowsy driving and the importance of using a seat belt,

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Posted in Drugged Driving

New Michigan Law Regulates BAIID Installation

New Ignition Interlock Devices Law   Governor Snyder recently signed into law Senate Bills 176 and 357 regarding who can install Breath Alcohol Ignition Interlock Devices (BAIIDs). The new law will go into effect June 6, 2016. Its purpose is

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Posted in Drunk Driving Law
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