Yearly Archives: 2020

Happy Holidays From The Kronzek Firm!

It’s that time of year again – the season of gift giving, magical lights, and time spent with loved ones. Here at The Kronzek Firm we’d like to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday, and a wonderful new year!

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Posted in For Your Information

First Time DUIs Can Soon be Expunged in Michigan!

In October of 2020, Governor Granholm signed significant changes into law regarding the types of crimes that can be expunged in Michigan. Referred to as the “most expansive version of this law in the country,” by John Cooper, executive director

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Posted in Drunk Driving Law

Drunk Driving During The Pandemic – How Covid 19 is Affecting DUIs During Lockdown

When Michigan’s governor first told people to “stay home and stay safe”, the DUI numbers here in Michigan (and pretty much everywhere else in the state) dropped significantly. For example, arrests in Lansing were way down. And we weren’t the

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Driving in Michigan After The Legalization of Weed – It’s a Hazy Subject!

There was a time in the not too distant past here in Michigan where in order to prove that you were guilty of drugged driving, all they had to do was prove to the court that there was any amount

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Posted in Drugged Driving

Can You Really Fool The Breath Test Machine by Putting a Penny in Your Mouth?

You’ve probably heard a whole boatload of weird urban legends in your time about how to avoid a DUI arrest. Things like carrying mouthwash in your car and using some right before the officer walks up to your window (doesn’t

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Posted in Breathalyzers

How Michigan’s Ongoing ‘Breathalyzer Fraud’ Investigation Affects You!

The Michigan State Police are currently investigating the third party vendor (Intoximeters) responsible for servicing and maintaining the 203 DataMaster DMT machines in use across the state of Michigan. DataMaster DMTs are the type of machine Michigan law enforcement uses

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Posted in For Your Information

Drugged Driving Can Include Driving Under The Influence of Legal Painkillers as Well!

When people hear about someone being charged with drugged driving, they usually assume that the driver facing charges were high on heroin, cocaine, meth, or some other illegal substance. (And then there’s weed, which is legal to use recreationally in

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Posted in Drugged Driving

Choose Your Ride: The Catchy Cop Slogan Applies Here in Michigan as Well!

Law enforcement officials come up with some pretty interesting ideas to raise awareness of drunk driving these days. From printed coasters left in bars to remind drinkers to call a cab, to the creative ads plastered on billboards during March

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Posted in For Your Information

MSP is Investigating a Vendor For Providing Faulty Breath Testing Services!

If there’s one thing you can rely on the Michigan State Police for, it’s the fact that when something potentially bad happens that could affect police departments in Michigan, they don’t hunker down and pretend it isn’t happening. They grab

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Posted in Breathalyzers
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