On a day set aside for celebrating freedom,there’s nothing worse, than to end up behind bars. And yet it happens every 4th of July all over Michigan. People get arrested for drunk driving (among other things) and get carted off to the county lock-up. There they spend their Independence Day about as far removed from hot dogs, cold beers, fireworks and freedom as it’s possible to get. But it doesn’t have to be that way. You can enjoy the 4th and still make it home safely after the fun ends. How, you wonder? By following these simple tips…
Tips for avoiding a DUI this 4th of July:
- Host the party at your place (and then let your guests crash there, or make sure they Uber home so you don’t have to bail them out tomorrow!)
- If you party away from home, get a ride. Whether it’s catching a ride with a friend, planning a designated driver in advance, or calling a taxi, there are loads of options for safe travels after you’ve had one (or ten) too many.
- Plan to stay over. (Pack a toothbrush and a change of pants, and crash at your friend’s house after the party ends. That way you can head home the next day after you’ve had a chance to sleep it off.
- Moderate your drinking. Drink slowly, have a glass of water between each alcoholic beverage, and be sure to stop drinking several hours before it’s time to leave. That way you can make it home safely without risking a DUI arrest.
The cops will be out in full force all over Michigan this 4th of July.
Michigan law enforcement officials say that they’ll be stepping up patrols all over our state for the 4th of July, and the two week period that follows Independence Day. So expect to see more cops, and encounter more traffic enforcement through July 14th. But why exactly, you may wonder, are there going to be so many police officers roaming the streets during this holiday period? Because the stats don’t lie, and we’ve got to tell you – the data is grim!
The 4th of July is one of the deadliest DUI days in the year!
According to research done by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety using data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System, July 4th is one of the deadliest days of the year! Here in the U.S., every year on July 4th about 118 people die in fatal car crashes where alcohol is a factor. That’s even higher than the death toll for New Year’s eve! So be sure to plan ahead and stay free and stay alive this Independence Day!
Stay sober and stay out of jail!
By the way, here’s an important tip for you to remember all the time. If you decide to sleep it off in your car, you might still be at risk for getting charged with DUI. For example, if the keys are in the ignition while you’re sleeping, you can still be charged. If the keys are even close by, such as in your pocket, that might also cost you an arrest. To avoid arrest, the keys should be somewhere other than inside your car while you’re sleeping,.
If you misjudge your sobriety, get the right help protecting your future!
We’ve all done it – made a mistake about how well we can handle our booze. Or assumed we’re doing better than we really are. Or lot track of how many drinks we had, and made the mistake of assuming that because we feel fine, we are fine. If you end up pulled over by the cops somewhere in mid-Michigan this 4th of July for drunk driving, call The Kronzek Firm at 866 766 5245 (866 7No Jail). Our experienced team of DUI defense attorneys has been helping people to fight drunk driving charges for over a quarter century. We can help you too.