
Child Endangerment Arrest

Driving drunk will likely get you into trouble. But driving drunk with children in your vehicle opens up a whole new can of worms and vastly increases your chances of facing additional charges, as this dad from Canton recently discovered.

The 39-year-old man, whose name had not yet been released to the public pending his arraignment, was arrested for drunk driving and for child endangerment.

On November 4th, according to police records, officers were notified of a suspicious driver who had just pulled onto Michigan Avenue from Morton Taylor. The source claimed that the vehicle in question was a 2009 Ford Fusion, and that it’s driver was crossing lanes without signaling, before having pulled onto the southbound I-275 ramp.

Just before 9 pm, police located the vehicle and pulled the driver over. In the car was a husband, who was driving, and his wife and two children, aged 12 and 17. When asked where he was coming from and heading to, the driver said they had been together as a family at Arctic Edge ice arena, where the 12-year-old boy been playing hockey.

When confronted about alcohol, he initially admitted to having had one beer, and then later changed his mind and said he’d had three beers. He also told the officers that he had stopped at a party store before being pulled over.

The officers administered a Blood alcohol content test (BAC) and the results showed that the driver was indeed drunk, his BAC reading coming in at almost twice Michigan’s legal limit of 0.08.

After the drunk driving dad was arrested, the vehicle was towed, which is standing policy in Michigan after a drunk driving arrest. Police then provided the mother and two children with a ride to a nearby McDonald’s restaurant, where they had arranged to meet someone who would give them a ride home.

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